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Wisconsin University Admin Assist Students In Planning Protest Against Matt Walsh; Leftists Try To Ban Him From Campus


Kara Zupkus

July 19, 2023

Leftists at a university in Wisconsin are outraged about YAF’s upcoming Matt Walsh campus lecture––and are demanding administrators move the event off-campus. As usual, leftists are up in arms about any speaker coming to campus who is not march-in-step with their radical views on sex and abortion.

Young America’s Foundation obtained exclusive video footage of a meeting hosted by the Gender Equity Resource Center at University of Wisconsin- Superior, where students expressed their sentiment about the Young Americans for Freedom chapter hosting Matt Walsh on campus this Wednesday.

The meeting, titled “Engaging in Civil Discourse,” featured several university administrators who worked with the students to plan out how they will protest the event.

Several administrators asked students what questions they have about protesting, and devised plans for how to react if violence were to break out. UW-Superior police were also on the call. One student told administrators in the meeting that by allowing Walsh to speak, “these actions reflect that you want hatred.”

Concerned students also started a petition to persuade UWS administrators relocate the event off of campus.

The petition reads:

“It has come to our attention that the University of Wisconsin Superior is hosting extremist, right-wing individual Matt Walsh to come speak on campus….After consulting with higher ed administration, we have been told that they ‘cannot do anything’ in canceling or relocating the event off of campus due to ‘freedom of speech.’ However, we are aware that ‘Freedom of Speech’ does not condone hate speech and does not come without consequences.” The organizers give no examples of alleged “hate speech” that Walsh has spread.

As of publication, the petition has a measly 174 signatures.

This is what happens when students become so accustomed to only hearing one viewpoint their entire lives. News flash: this event will go on as planned ON-CAMPUS, and there is nothing they can do to stop it.

If you’re interested in attending this event, register for a free ticket here.

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