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How to really be a conservative leader ft. Madison Habersetzer | #TruthStraightUp

Despite what people may say, leadership is not reserved for the best, brightest, or most well-spoken individuals. No matter how young or old, introverted or extroverted, it’s never too late or too early to become a leader. America needs you. There are several simple steps you can take to become a leader, but the most […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: The problem with Medicare for All

The Left isn’t telling the truth about their big government, socialist-style healthcare system. Medicare for All would remove private sector involvement, <class=”tsu-text”>meaning people would no longer have control over what doctor they see, what hospital they go to, or what plan they want. </class=”tsu-text”> Everyone can agree that we’d like to see the cost of […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Walter Williams

The question we’re all asking: is America headed down the path of more personal liberty or more government control? The founders envisioned a very limited government because they knew that limited government was consistently with personal liberty. The late Walter Williams, a champion of freedom, has a warning for all Americans <class=”tsu-text”>who think it’s okay […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: The news is fake and irrelevant

As the Left’s stronghold on culture and the media continues to grow, it becomes increasingly important to make sure the truth is being told. Fake news is everywhere, and when it’s not fake, it’s irrelevant. The Left will talk about Dr. Seuss being racist, but not about Andrew Cuomo botching the COVID crisis in NYC. […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Dinesh D’Souza

Why do immigrants from all over the world come to America? There is nobody better to answer that question that Dinesh D’Souza. As a first-generation immigrant, D’Souza knows that in America, he is the architect of his own destiny. America was founded on the Judeo-Christian values of equality, compassion, and respect for all human life. […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Allie Stuckey

Is the Left actually empowering women the way they claim to be? As a conservative, pro-life woman, Allie Stuckey knows well that every positive good <class=”tsu-text”>that has happened in America has been a result of America’s founding values, not radical feminism. </class=”tsu-text”> It’s imperative that conservatives continue to stand up for life, liberty, and the […]

Internal Emails Show AZ Principal Calls Anti-CRT Parents ‘Whackos’

The principal of an elementary school in Arizona slammed parents who spoke out against Critical Race Theory as “whackos” and schemed for ways to “quiet those pushy voices,” according to internal emails obtained by Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line. Desert Valley Elementary School Principal Tonja Neve appeared fed up with the nearly dozen […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp​: How Christianity shaped America

It is no secret that Judeo-Christian values influenced the American founding and continue to influence the American culture today. Despite the Left’s tendency to say otherwise, the things we value as a society—equality, human dignity, and compassion—all trace their legacy back to Christianity. Being “one nation under God” does not mean religion is forced into […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: The keys to a successful economy

What is really at the heart of a successful economy? It all comes down to free markets and free trade. With minimal regulations, low taxes, and a focus on service, businesses can thrive to their fullest extent. In addition, by acknowledging that America produces some things better than foreigners and foreigners produce some things better […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp​: The Left’s worst arguments for abortion

Radical feminists claim that women should have the “right to choose” because it is their body. But killing a living, unique human being is not a “right.” Abortion should be illegal for the very fact that it ends the life of an innocent preborn child. The bottom line is abortion is always wrong. Watch Now

VIDEO: AZ Elementary School Proposes Race-Based Hiring Quotas, Parents and One Board Member Fight Back in Fiery Meeting

UPDATE: Following YAF’s exposé, Litchfield Elementary School District has released a memo denying that the board is planning to implement critical race theory and DEI curriculum, contradicting the statements made during several board meetings and a copy of the equity plan YAF obtained. Read their memo here. Litchfield Elementary School District in Litchfield, Arizona has […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Ronald Reagan made America better

America has a lot to learn from Ronald Reagan. More than anything, President Reagan was a man that knew what he believed, loved America, and fought to make it a better place. As a life-long reader and a believer in the founding values of America, President Reagan was steadfast in his drive to instill a […]

Science is a false god ft. Spencer Klavan

Who gets to decide if it’s worth risking despair to reduce coronavirus cases, the government or the people? Is that a question of science or philosophy? The Left would like you to think it’s a question for science, but look at where THAT has gotten the American people—locked down, impoverished, and desperate for answers they […]

VIDEO: Princeton Theological Seminary Separates Students By Race To Create ‘Safety’ in Mandatory Anti-Racism Training

By: Kara Zupkus and Elizabeth Guldimann Princeton Theological Seminary recently facilitated mandatory racial bias training for its students and faculty that separated participants by race, according to video materials obtained exclusively by Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line. The training, presented by outside consultants Laurie Carlsson and Dr. Michelle Majors, hosted three separate groups […]

Leftists use emergencies to steal your freedom ft. Liz Wheeler

Progressive lawmakers across America are trying to use coronavirus to strip the American people of their basic freedoms. If individuals everywhere don’t take immediate action and stand up against this, those same lawmakers will accelerate their plan to take our constitutional liberties away, using sillier and sillier excuses like climate change and gun violence “emergencies.” […]

Best of #TruthStraightUp: Men and women are different

Here’s the truth—men’s and women’s bodies are very different. Men cannot be women, and women cannot be men. Men and women behave differently because they ARE different. Despite this, society paints women as victims and men as oppressors. It teaches that young men and women can wake up and decide to become a different person […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Feminism doesn’t help women

What has radical feminism ever done for women? Not as much as one might think. While progressive feminists claim all the credit for advancing women’s rights, the real credit goes to America’s founding principles and documents. To this day, the progressive feminist movement has failed women, children, families by painting women as victims and children […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: No more safe spaces

“Safe spaces” are not about protecting vulnerable people; they’re about silencing ideas. If colleges and universities are to be true marketplaces of ideas, conservatives and liberals must be able to express their viewpoints and persuade people through evidence and reasoning instead of intimidation and psychodrama. The trigger-warning, safe-space movement is doing everything it can to […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: Who are the real racists?

The Left loves to paint conservatives as racists. But really, who are the racists? The Left is riddled with those who believe in oppressing the individual in favor of “group identities.” Progressives minimize individualism and elevate race, gender, and sexual orientation. While liberals talk about system racism and oppression, they’re hiding the bigotry in their […]

BEST OF #TruthStraightUp: The truth about the Second Amendment

One of the Left’s favorite anti-gun arguments is that the Second Amendment was only intended for muskets, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. America won the War of Independence because the people had the right to own what were then “weapons of war.” Today, leftists attempt to ban what they call “assault rifles” […]

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