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The New Guard

70+ Utah Faculty Members Sign Letter Defending Student Group That Shut Down YAF Event & Threatened Chapter Leaders


Nick Baker

December 19, 2023

More than 70 faculty members at the University of Utah are throwing their support behind a radical student group that lost its affiliation status after forcibly shutting down a Young Americans for Freedom event and petitioning for conservative students to face discipline for holding common sense beliefs.

 MEChA, a leftist organization dedicated to promoting communism, police abolition, and the end of the so-called “cis-hetero-patriarchy,” coordinated the disruption of YAF’s early November screening of Damaged, a Daily Caller documentary starring Chloe Cole and other brave transitioners. The endless shouting and screaming ultimately led campus police to pull the plug on YAF’s event, giving the intolerant students exactly what they came looking for.

Following this violation of the conservative students’ First Amendment rights and an ongoing series of targeted harassment against the YAF chapter’s leadership, the university revoked the leftist group’s official recognition status.

Even without recognition status, the communist group is still allowed to operate, but cannot receive funding.

The faculty letter calls MEChA’s presence on campus “important” and its work – that is, shutting down conservative speech – “invaluable.”

It is disappointing to know that so many professors, some who have had us as students in their own classes, are supporting a radical organization that was allowed to violate our rights to free speech and expression,” Lucy Atwood, chair of Utah YAF, told the New Guard

Neither MEChA, nor any of the prominent department chairs or deans who signed the letter, returned the New Guard’s request for comment.

Young America’s Foundation is closely monitoring this situation. This article will be updated accordingly.

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