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‘ANGRY AND HURT’: UW-Madison Releases Complaints Filed Against Matt Walsh Lecture


July 19, 2023

Multiple students and faculty members at the University of Wisconsin-Madison filed bias complaints with the Dean of Students Office regarding a Young America’s Foundation event that featured Matt Walsh, documents obtained by the College Fix reveal. Walsh visited the campus in October to show his documentary and take questions from audience members as part of his YAF-sponsored “What is a Woman?” college campus tour.

“As you may have noticed I put the documentary in quotes because I feel it is better described as a hate crime against women, especially transgender women in a video form,” a male student wrote in his report.

“While researching I felt physically sick from the hatred,” he added in another section of the complaint form.

As YAF reported back in October, a teaching assistant in the women’s studies department named Jesikah Leeper was so triggered by the sight of posters promoting the event in a hallway that she tore down dozens of them and filed a complaint. Given that her career centers around the study of women, it certainly is strange that she finds the question of “what is a woman?” so objectionable.

Although the university did not provide the College Fix with the complainants’ names, other details, including time, location, and date of submission, indicate that she submitted a report stating that she was “angry and hurt” that the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter “blatantly attacked” her building’s bulletin board by promoting their event.

Shortly after Leeper shamelessly admitted to destroying the YAF chapter’s posters, Young America’s Foundation’s legal team submitted a demand letter to the school requesting an investigation into the teaching assistant’s egregious violation of students’ First Amendment rights. The university acknowledged receipt of YAF’s request but has yet to take any action.

Following the successful event, campus leftists were upset that Walsh made mention of the poster destruction incident during his lecture.

“Matt Walsh called a teaching assistant out by name in front of the crowd, causing harm to that student,” a student wrote.

Harrison Wells, chairman of the UW-Madison Young Americans for Freedom chapter, told YAF that his school’s administrators have still done nothing about Leeper’s misconduct and that he hopes they will “finally take swift and just action against these radicals soon.”

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