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College Students Know Nothing About The Guns They Want Banned [VIDEO]

College Students Know Nothing About The Guns They Want Banned [VIDEO]



September 1, 2016

Curious as to how fellow millennials would react when questioned about the proposed “assault weapons ban,” I took to the campus of The George Washington University to ask their opinions.
An overwhelming majority of the students I spoke with favored the ban on assault weapons, but couldn’t offer even the most basic definition of the term itself. While a couple students confidently claimed, “A lot of people don’t know how to control their use of guns,” and “Anything above what a shotgun would be […] is just not necessary,” they simply couldn’t follow up by defining the very weapons they wanted to ban. In fact, their answers were stunningly bizarre. Many of their attempts to answer the question hit all the tired and overused liberal talking points about “military-style, high-capacity” firearms. When pressed to follow her strange definition to its logical conclusion, one young woman admitted that she believed a rock “is an assault weapon, I guess.” A helpful vegetarian offered hunting advice, warning against using assault weapons to hunt deer noting “you’re pretty much just making ground beef at that point.” Some students were more honest, like the one who sheepishly admitted, “I don’t know anything about gun names.” Others did their best to keep up their expert appearance. When asked to expound on what he meant by military-style assault weapons one young man wagered it might have something to do with the color of the weapon, saying it would be “made out of a different material, like something black,” with “more expressed features, like the trigger might be larger … it could have, like, those rings around the barrel.” These students regurgitated the talking points and emotional arguments they’ve been trained to spout by their teachers, professors, media, and peers. Their lack of understanding, while almost comical, is actually quite sad. Class after class of incoming freshman are fed endless hours of left-leaning nonsense, and then thrown out into the real world. There, when faced with questions that test their understanding, these students are clearly without the foundation to reason why they believe what they’ve been told to believe.

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