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DOXXING? College Moves to Release Personal Info of YAF Chapter Leaders After Outrage Over Pro-Police Instagram Post


Kara Zupkus

June 12, 2020

Union College administrators have caved to the leftist mob, informing leadership of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter that they will give out their private contact information after students became enraged at an Instagram post the chapter made denouncing violent rioters and looters.

The Instagram post, which denounced recent violent rioters and looters and rejected the idea that the United States system of justice is biased or unfair, was flooded with more than 300 comments from angry leftists at Union College.

“I didn’t know we had Nazis at Union,” one commenter wrote. “This is literally a hate group I hope Union penalizes you,” another comment read. Many of the angry students posted Instagram stories and comments calling on the university to release the information of students in the YAF chapter following the outrage.

“Email [email protected] for the [YAF] president and treasurer (it is your right, as a student, to have access to the information). They can’t hide behind the curtain of social media anymore,” one post encouraged.

According to emails obtained by Young America’s Foundation, administrators in the Student Activities Office have received multiple official requests “asking for the membership and leadership of YAF.” Lauren Dougherty, Director of Student Activities, informed the chapter’s leadership that they plan on sharing the personal contact information of the president and treasurer of the group to “internal members of the community.”

The YAF chapter leadership pushed back on this invasion of privacy, asking administrators in a meeting to pinpoint the policy that allows them to distribute personal information to community members. They were told it’s not a policy, but a “practice.”

Young America’s Foundation’s legal team sent a letter Friday to Union College administrators informing them that aiding in the harassment and intimidation of conservative students on campus, including releasing personal contact information, will not be tolerated.

“As a brand new organization on campus, it has already become evident how eager the leftist mob is to attack, conspire, and slander conservatives without first engaging in the discussions that are missing from campus,” Samuel Levit, chairman of the Union Young Americans for Freedom chapter told YAF exclusively. “The vile bombardment by the mob is shameful and unbecoming of students of a liberal arts institution that encourages us to act with ‘wisdom, empathy, and courage.’”

“Students are under attack nationwide for simply holding conservative beliefs. This move by Union College administrators to essentially ‘dox’ YAF chapter leaders under pressure from angry leftists only encourages the mob mentality of its students,” YAF spokesman Spencer Brown said. “Universities should be places of critical thinking and debate, not echo chambers where members are shunned for not holding the majority’s view. Young America’s Foundation will continue to monitor the situation at Union College and ensure equal protections are applied for conservative students.”

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