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Florida Professor Offering Extra Credit to Students Who Declare Their Pronouns


Nick Baker

January 10, 2024

A professor at the University of Florida is offering students extra credit that can be redeemed for a “free skip day” if they declare their pronouns on the university’s online learning management system, according to a tip received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.

Autumn McClellan, who teaches courses in the Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, tells students that “guessing or assuming a person’s pronouns can lead to uncomfortable and unwelcoming environments,” and that “displaying your pronouns helps others know how to address you respectfully, even if you feel like your pronouns should be ‘obvious’ to other people.”

She also notes that Canvas, the learning management system, “offers more options than you might expect, including ‘none,’ ‘ze/zir,’ ‘any pronouns,’ ‘use my name,’ and ‘ask me privately.’”

Teachers and professors requesting or requiring students’ pronouns has become a very common trend throughout academia. 

Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Jasmyn Jordan has some simple and sound advice for students who find themselves in this sort of situation: “Just don’t do it.”

“I simply have never and will never share my pronouns, because I refuse to worship the false religion of gender ideology,” Jordan told the New Guard. “Everyone is born either male or female, and that’s that.”

The New Guard attempted to reach Professor McClellan to ask how so-called “neo” pronouns such as “ze/zir,” “ye/yer,” “ge/ger,” and so on can possibly have any logical meaning, but did not hear back.


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