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IT’S OFFICIAL: ‘Queer Ash Wednesday’ Proves That Leftism Is a Religion


Nick Baker

February 14, 2024

Fort Hays State University, a public institution in Kansas, is currently hosting ‘Queer Ash Wednesday.’

Conservative commentators frequently draw parallels between the rituals and beliefs of the Left and those found in traditional religious systems. They argue that certain core tenets and practices within leftist movements exhibit striking resemblances to elements of religious devotion and doctrine. Abortion is their sacrament, George Floyd is their savior, and Mother Nature assumes a deity-like status within leftist discourse.

Fort Hays State has proven them right.

An email announcement circulated by the university and obtained by Libs of TikTok invites students to participate in the traditionally Catholic and Christian practice, but with a distinctly leftist twist.

“Get your ash on campus!” the email reads. “Wednesday, February 14, from 11am-1pm, in the MU, you can get your Ash Wednesday ashes on the go. You can choose traditional ashes or Glitter+Ash (make-up grade, biodegradable, purple glitter mixed with traditional ashes). Why glitter? “Glitter is an inextricable element of queer history… Glitter+Ash is an inherently queer sign of Christian belief, blending symbols of morality and hope, of penance and celebration… This Ash Wednesday, we will make that spark of life[ easier to see. We will stand witness to the gritty, glitter, scandalous hope that exists in the very marrow of [the LGBTQ+] tradition.”

According to Max Morris, a leader of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at the Catholic University of America, “Ashes on Ash Wednesday have always been a profound symbol for Christians where we recognize and repent from our sins and through conversion find our hope in the authentic Gospel of Jesus. It’s not a decoration, but a declaration of our need to quit sin and live in a Godly way. The glitter suggests that they’re mocking our traditions.”

Is the “religion of leftism” taking over your Catholic school? Young America’s Foundation is proud to host an annual seminar specifically tailored to train students at Catholic institutions to stand up for conservative values! Join us for the Standing Up for Faith and Freedom Seminar at YAF National Headquarters in April




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