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The New Guard

Leftists Sign Petition Calling for University of Alabama to Cancel Walsh Screening & Remarks


July 19, 2023

Ahead of Matt Walsh’s upcoming visit to the University of Alabama as part of his “What is a Woman?” national college campus tour, presented by Young America’s Foundation, campus leftists are trying (and miserably failing) to persuade administrators to call off the event.

“If allowed to occur, [Walsh’s event] will foster hate and encourage bigotry and potentially even violence against minorities,” student Gabriel Brown wrote in an online petition

The petition, which has been live for nearly a full week, has only collected 270 signatures. That figure represents much less than one percent of the university’s 38,500 student enrollment.

Brown goes on to claim that Walsh’s presence on campus will “spread bigotry, violent incision, and hatred under the guise of ‘free speech’ and ‘traditional values.’”

In reality, the only “violent incisions” that are happening are those that are performed at the hands of “gender affirmation” doctors who seek to permanently mutilate the bodies of impressionable young children and mentally unstable adults.

“It’s unfortunately no surprise that the author of the petition can’t tell the difference between ‘free speech I don’t like’ and actual violence,” Wyatt Eichholz, chairman of the University of Alabama’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter, told New Guard.

Though the University of Alabama did not immediately respond to YAF’s request for comment, there is currently no reason to believe that the administration will take action to cancel the event. As a public institution, the university is obligated to uphold the First Amendment, and it’s unlikely that a small handful of enraged leftists will be able to convince administrators to do otherwise.

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