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Michigan Professor Tells Students to Watch ‘Actual, Honest-to-God, Edited, Professional News’ Instead of Fox


July 19, 2023

By: Nick Baker

A professor at a public university in Michigan encouraged students in his Business Law and Ethics course to watch ABC, NBC, CBS, and MSNBC news instead of Fox News, according to a tip submitted to Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.

“If you’re like me, go watch MSNBC. If you’re gonna watch Fox, especially at night, then you need to go watch half-an-hour of something that’s actually true,” Professor Michael Fayz of Wayne State University told his students on the first day of class, according to video footage obtained by YAF.

According to the Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart, which is produced by a politically-balanced team of analysts using a rigorous methodology, both Fox News and MSNBC are ranked approximately equally in terms of their respective ideological leanings, as well as source reliability.

“I don’t think that it is a professor’s job to tell students what news to watch. I find it particularly inappropriate to do so in the first class of the semester,” a student told YAF on the condition of anonymity.

Fayz has been teaching at the Wayne State School of Business since 1991. Throughout the years, several students have posted reviews stating that he consistently strays off-topic, and grades assignments according to their alignment with his personal opinions.

“[Fayz] did not teach us anything relating to business law,” one student wrote on

“If you don’t agree with him politically, get ready for him to grade you down,” another added.

Professor Fayz did not respond to YAF’s multiple requests for comment. When reached by phone, a spokeswoman for Wayne State University stated that the University does not comment on matters of classroom instruction.

Instead of using the podium to push personal political agendas, educators ought to encourage their students to read and watch a wide variety of news sources— left, right, opinion, and objective. The opportunity for each individual student to make up his or her own mind from a balanced and informed perspective is fundamental to intellectual growth.

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