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President Trump Awards Medal Of Freedom To Longtime YAF Ally Dr. Arthur Laffer

President Trump Awards Medal Of Freedom To Longtime YAF Ally Dr. Arthur Laffer



June 24, 2019

On June 19, President Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Freedom—the country’s highest civilian honor—to economist Dr. Arthur Laffer for his many economic contributions including the Laffer Curve, the model which demonstrates how lower tax rates can produce greater economic growth and increase government revenue.   Young America’s Foundation congratulates Dr. Laffer, one of the most influential forces in American economic history, for his lifetime of achievements and this honor. Recognizing Dr. Laffer during a ceremony in the Oval Office, President Trump stated, “Few people in history have revolutionized economic thought and policy like Dr. Art Laffer.” The President recalled that “Dr. Laffer’s policies not only expanded opportunity for our citizens; they spurred economic reforms around the world and helped lift untold millions out of poverty.” He concluded, “Today, our nation is stronger, our people more prosperous, and the world a much better place because of the brilliance and boldness of Dr. Arthur Laffer.” From influencing the tax-cutting movement of the 1980s through advising President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to supporting President Trump develop and pass the 2017 tax cuts, Dr. Laffer has, indeed, improved the lives of countless people worldwide.   A longtime friend and ally of Young America’s Foundation, Dr. Laffer has spoken at YAF’s signature National Conservative Student Conference, at the Reagan Ranch Center on the 30th anniversary of the 1981 Reagan tax cuts, and at YAF’s national headquarters, addressing audiences on such topics as the legacy of President Reagan’s tax cuts and President Trump’s tax and trade policies. Over the last two years, Dr. Laffer has barnstormed the nation’s college campuses—from Yale University to the University of Notre Dame to the University of Utah—through YAF’s free enterprise campus lecture tour to make an articulate and principled case for free market ideas. As he remarked when embarking on this national tour, “It’s a critical time to educate students on the free enterprise principles and policies that will help our country become more prosperous, and they need to hear the truth on this topic.” “Congratulations to Dr. Art Laffer for this well-deserved honor. He is an ideal YAF leader for students to hear—particularly when the country is debating the economic policies that will affect today’s young people for years to come,” remarked Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson. “We appreciate Dr. Laffer’s contributions and partnership and look forward to inspiring more students nationwide with the ideas of free enterprise and limited government.”
Young America’s Foundation is pleased to support students anywhere in the country host Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Dr. Arthur Laffer for a campus lecture. Students, universities, or schools that wish to invite Dr. Laffer should visit Young America’s Foundation’s website. They may also contact Raj Kannappan, director of Young America’s Foundation’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise, at [email protected] or 800.872.1776.

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