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Texas A&M University to Welcome Vice President Pence Through YAF’s Campus Lecture Series


Kara Zupkus

July 19, 2023

Vice President Mike Pence will bring his enthusiasm for advancing American freedom to Texas A&M University on November 11 as part of Young America’s Foundation’s campus lecture series.

This campus lecture is the first announced event in the 2021-2022 campus tour. More dates will be released in the coming weeks.

“As freedom comes under attack in our schools, it’s imperative that the next generation ensures the advancement of pro-America ideas,” said Vice President Pence. “Serving as YAF’s Ronald Reagan Presidential Scholar allows me to make the case for freedom, free markets, and traditional values to thousands of students across our nation, and I’m excited to do this with Young America’s Foundation.”

The event will take place at 7:00 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. This event will be free and open to the public. Ticketing information will be released in the coming weeks.

“We are thrilled to have Vice President Pence speak at Texas A&M and many other schools this year,” said YAF President Governor Scott Walker. “As classrooms run rampant with far-left ideas and professors, it’s more important than ever that students hear a pro-freedom, pro-America message to counter the indoctrination they face on a daily basis.”

The event will be hosted by the Texas A&M University Young Americans for Freedom chapter. Founded in 1960, Young Americans for Freedom boasts hundreds of high school and college chapters across the nation that advocate for conservative ideas through activism projects and speaker events.

“Our organization strives to elevate conservative voices and to spread traditional values to a new generation of conservatives,” said Caleb Haisler, chairman of Texas A&M YAF. “With these goals in mind, we are thrilled to offer students and faculty the opportunity to learn from Vice President Pence’s vast experience and to dialogue with him about the future of our great nation.”

On September 11, 2021, YAF announced the launch of the “American Freedom” podcast, Vice President Pence’s newest project to promote and advance freedom across the nation.  

Pence joined YAF as the Ronald Reagan Presidential Scholar in February 2021.

The Vice President joins powerful lineup of conservative leaders who have participated in YAF’s unparalleled campus lecture program over the years, including Ben Shapiro, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, William F. Buckley, Justice Clarence Thomas, and many more.

For more information or to request press credentials for this event, contact YAF Spokeswoman Kara Zupkus at [email protected] or 800-USA-1776. 

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