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TRANSGENDER LEMONADE RESEARCH? CUNY-Funded Researcher Asked to Present Findings by Univ. Colorado


Nick Baker

January 31, 2024

A researcher funded by the City University of New York, who self-identifies as a “menace” and prefers “hän/hänet/hänen” pronouns, has been asked by the University of Colorado to present the findings of his 16-month-long investigation into the potential existence of a “transgender accent,” according to a tip received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.

The New York City public university system provided Theodore Manning with a $6,000 grant, which he used to contact nearly 100 “transgender and non-binary people” to request that participants both write and verbally communicate navigational directions for a fictional character, “Chad LemonLover,” to get to a lemonade stand. 

After directing LemonLover to the lemonade stand, participants were asked to “provide detailed instructions for making lemonade,” according to the white paper.

The “non-binary” researcher collaborated with graduate students at Harvard University, Duquesne University, and the University of Pittsburgh to conduct the project and analyze the writings and recordings of the individuals, looking for the presence or lack thereof of “transgender accents” or patterns in writing style.

Manning’s results, which the University of Colorado describes as “groundbreaking” in its announcement of the speaking engagement, suggest that there is, in fact, “a possibility of a transgender accent,” and that “transgender and nonbinary people write most similarly to their gender as opposed to their sex assigned at birth.”

By hosting Manning, the University of Colorado hopes to inspire its own students to conduct similar projects “which result in these important discoveries, representing diverse identities in data, and ultimately, forwarding inclusivity in data.”

Of course, all of this is a tremendous waste of both universities’ funds. When life gives leftist researchers public funding, they turn it into transgender lemonade.


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