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UNC Diversity Staffers Cost More Than $90 Million Per Year, Audit Uncovers


Nick Baker

May 23, 2024

The University of North Carolina System spends more than $90 million per year on its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) staff, according to a recent audit performed by Open The Books

According to Adam Andrezejewski, founder of the government spending watchdog organization, the university system employs at least 686 staffers to advance the Left’s DEI agenda across its 17 campuses.

The highest paid DEI administrator, Leah Cox, receives a $412,799 compensation package–which is alone equivalent to a full year worth of tuition payments by 45 students. Divide the $90 million figure by the tuition rate of $8,989, and the result finds that at least 10,012 students are paying tuition and taking out high-interest loans to fund agents of the Left’s agenda.

As Young America’s Foundation speaker and economist Daniel Di Martino pointed out, cutting out these meteoric and useless expenses entirely could save each UNC student nearly $500 per year, if not more.

According to Open The Books, the university system failed to comply with a public records request that sought to uncover additional details: “In likely violation of North Carolina’s freedom of information laws, UNC has not acknowledged our April public records request for all university payroll to include all cash compensation (salaries, bonuses, other pay, benefits, etc.). UNC was required to respond, ‘as promptly as possible.”

If higher education can be saved from collapsing in on itself, universities must reconsider their spending priorities immediately.

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