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The New Guard

Triggered by ‘What is a Woman?’ Flyers, Women’s Studies TA Calls for Bias Investigation


July 19, 2023

A teaching assistant at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where Matt Walsh is scheduled to speak Monday evening, filed a bias report with the Dean of Students Office after feeling “annoyed” by the presence of flyers advertising the upcoming event, according to a report in the campus student newspaper.

Walsh’s trip to Wisconsin will mark the fifth stop on his “What is a Woman?” national college campus tour, presented by Young America’s Foundation.

Unless campus leftists get their way, that is. 

Jesikah Leeper, who teaches two sections of a course entitled “Gender, Women, Bodies, and Health,” hopes that her report will lead university administrators to cancel the event.

For her part, she’s attempting to decrease public awareness of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter’s event by tearing down their posters. She proudly told the Badger Herald that she’s removed around 40 of them throughout campus so far.

Of the 33 speakers hosted by UW-Madison’s university-sponsored lecture series throughout the past four years, only one is a conservative.

Regardless, Leeper told the paper, “any credibility that the university had in an academic commitment to providing speakers of diverse opinions is lost in the wake of Monday’s targeted act of hate speech.”

Young America’s Foundation contacted Leeper to point out this enormous disparity but has not heard back.

It’s ironic that someone who literally teaches a course about women is so afraid of an event that seeks to define the word “woman.” She and her leftist colleagues and students are delighted when the university brings in a parade of liberal speakers. But when someone with a different opinion steps foot on campus, they panic and call for an investigation.

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