31 Years Ago Today, Ronald Reagan Gave America A Key Warning
By Chris Miranda
It was 31 years ago today, when Ronald Reagan gave a key warning to millions of Americans. In his nationwide radio address from Rancho del Cielo, on August 24, 1985 he again provided Americans with the way to rescue our country from the Left’s attempts to destroy America. “Few things could be more central to the life and health of our nation than the education of our children. Our schools hold the future of America in their hands. They will decide whether that future is enlightened, free, and informed, or shrouded in the darkness of ignorance.” These themes President Reagan came back to again and again, including in his farewell address from the Oval Office. He stated, “Younger parents aren’t sure that an unambivalent appreciation of America is the right thing to teach modern children.” But then he challenged us: “We’ve got to do a better job of getting across that America is freedom—freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise. And freedom is special and rare. It’s fragile; it needs protection.” With 15 million young people returning to high school and 20 million going back to college in the coming days and weeks, we conservatives will decide whether we do everything we can to ensure they are informed with the truth about your conservative ideas and values. Between September 1 and November 9, more students will be paying attention to the issues facing America than at any other time in their high school and college years. This is a critical time to promote conservatism. Young America’s Foundation is prepared to fight harder than ever.