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Saint Louis University Opposes Putting American Flags In Classrooms, Says Lacks ‘Necessary Motive’


New Guard Staff

July 19, 2023

By: Illiana Lievanos

Saint Louis University  has rejected a request to install American flags in all classrooms on campus, claiming it lacks the “necessary motive,” according to a tip submitted through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.

The student government, who has control over issues like these, denied the request.

“Ultimately after talking with a variety of students and thinking over the matter myself, I have decided that I cannot support this project,” Erik Staberg, SGA Facilities and Services Chair told SLU Young Americans for Freedom Chairman Nick Baker in an email. “While I do have many logistical questions about the feasibility of this project, at the end of the day one of the biggest concerns I have with this project surrounds the why of it all.”

Staberg continued on with further weak explanations, stating that having flags in the classroom is not standard practice. In a recording obtained by YAF, Staberg also remarked that this project “sounded good in theory, but wouldn’t work in practice” and complained that it involved an overwhelming amount of logistics such as maintenance that would add too many complexities for facility workers.

“We’ve been trying to push this project proposal through the approval process for nearly six months,” Baker told YAF. “It’s very unfortunate that our peers in positions of power are so adamantly opposed to having the American flag in our classrooms. I wouldn’t even call this liberal bias–despite our differences. I think it’s safe to say that most people on both sides of the aisle are proud to pledge allegiance to the flag, as our nation’s uniting symbol of freedom and justice. The number of students at this university who are ashamed of our flag is very concerning” says Baker.

YAF reached out to the university to further explain their decision but SLU refused to comment.

This is not the first time SLU has continued to reveal its anti-YAF attitude. The SLU administration repeatedly continues to deny YAF’s legitimacy, ignores the leftist mob’s incessant attacks against conservatives on campus, and now denies a project without even giving much thought.

The American flag is nothing to be ashamed of. If there is a flag that represents freedom, champions diversity and individuality, it is the American flag. It is inaction like this that exposes the true liberal agenda across college campuses. Continuing to challenge the dominant narrative in higher education is what YAF at SLU will continue to do–regardless of pushback.

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