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Vanderbilt U Quiz: U.S. Constitution ‘Designed to Perpetuate White Supremacy’


Kara Zupkus

September 3, 2020

A group of Vanderbilt University professors recently claimed that the U.S. Constitution was “designed to perpetuate white supremacy,” penalizing any student who disagreed on a class quiz.

The quiz, required in PSCI 1150: U. S. ELECTIONS 2020, asked students to answer true or false to the question, “Was the Constitution designed to perpetuate white supremacy and protect the institution of slavery?” One student answered “false,” and the question was marked wrong.

The student, who wishes to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution, reported the troubling quiz to YAF through our Campus Bias Tip Line.

The class, which has more than 800 students online, is taught by professors Josh Clinton, Eunji Kim, Jon Meacham, and Dean John Geer. The syllabus, obtained exclusively by YAF, noted that it is “the largest class that Vanderbilt has ever taught.”

YAF reached out to Vanderbilt University and Dean John Geer for comment, but a response was not provided in time for publication.

This blatant misinformation that is being peddled by these far-left professors to more than 800 impressionable students is despicable. To attempt to boil down the country’s greatest founding document as simply being white supremacist is a new low – marking any student wrong who dares to disagree with this ridiculous statement is heinous.

As students return to class for the fall, we expect to continue hearing these brazen stories of bias and discrimination in the classroom. If you are facing bias on your campus, let us know at our Bias Tip Line.

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