live stream: Standing up for faith & freedom seminar | April 26-27

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Barry M. Goldwater, Jr.

United States Congressman (1969-1983)


Barry M. Goldwater, Jr.

United States Congressman (1969-1983)

There's a reason why Barry Goldwater, Jr. is such a successful influence in the public and private sectors — everyone he encounters is drawn to his dynamic personality, hard-working values, tenacity and accomplishments.

  • Are you looking for a trusted advisor who can deftly navigate local and federal legislation on your company’s behalf because of his insider-only access?
  • Possibly someone who can partner with Federal or State regulators, legislators, and governors to enact change in all industries such as energy, aerospace, aviation and defense, transportation, water, and manufacturing?
  • Or perhaps you’d like to add a highly respected board member or consultant who has decades of business experience as a security broker, government and public affairs officer, and Chairman/CEO of his own company?

Few people can boast a list of career-defining accomplishments as diverse and impactful as Barry:

Nelson Taplin Goldwater Group, Barry is the co-founder of Nelson Taplin Goldwater Group (NTG), which looks after insurance companies’ compliance, profitability and employee well-being by implementing solid thoughtful governance principles. For the past 13 years, he has been working closely with state regulators, state legislators, and governors. Barry’s most notable clients include Guggenheim Insurance, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, Enstar Group LTD, and National General Insurance.

Author, Barry is a New York Times bestselling author of “Pure Goldwater,” a joint venture with John Dean, former counsel to President Richard Nixon.

Eagle Picher, As the Government and Public Affairs officer, Barry promoted and enhanced the company’s involvement in local government and political affairs. He created weekly meetings for 2,000 employees with local political leaders and created an employee political action committee (PAC). He followed major legislation before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee.

Hormel Enterprises, Barry served as financial advisor to Hormel Enterprises, and was responsible for 31 corporate investments — either shutting them down or overseeing their life expectancy.

Stockbroker, Wedbush Noble, As a partner and institutional broker, Barry’s client base included large banks, pension funds, insurance companies, and mutual funds. In finding buyers and sellers, he crossed large blocks of stock on the New York Stock Exchange and generated substantial profits for Wedbush Noble. He helped syndicate and served as General Partner in tax-advantaged investments, generating three-quarters of a billion to the syndicate. As a partner, institutional stockbroker, and major producer, Barry understands the culture of the security market: cold calls, sales and closing, results in profits.

Congress, During his 14 years in the U.S. House of Representatives:

  • Motion Picture Industry: Barry stopped the federal government from in-house production of audiovisual and motion pictures and required the government to contract out to the motion picture industry for such products.
  • The Privacy Act: Barry co-authored, along with former Congressman and New York City Mayor Ed Koch, the Privacy Act of 1974, which guided the Federal Government’s policy on protecting personal information and establishing the private sector’s application of privacy rights.
  • Aviation and Space: In the U.S. Congress, Barry served on the Space and Aviation Committee that authorized and oversaw Apollo 11 (the first man landing on the moon). With over 3,000 hours of flight time under his belt, Barry is an aviation fanatic and knowledgeable about transportation technology. He was involved in research and development in all phases of aviation advancement and safety.
  • Renewable energy: As a member of Congress, and a dedicated environmentalist and advocate for the advancement of renewable energy, Barry has fought for and defended rooftop solar in every state and in Washington DC.

Upon graduating college, his father, 1964 presidential nominee
and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater Sr., told him:
I gave you an education, now go out and use it.
The rest, as they say, is history.

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