Jay Nordlinger is a senior editor of National Review and a book fellow of the National Review Institute.
He writes about a variety of subjects, including politics, foreign affairs, and the arts. He is music critic for The New Criterion. Since 2002, he has hosted a series of public interviews at the Salzburg Festival. For the National Review website, he writes a column called “Impromptus.”
With Mona Charen, he hosts the Need to Know podcast, and he also hosts a podcast called “Q&A.”
In 2011, he filmed The Human Parade, with Jay Nordlinger, a TV series bringing hour-long interviews with various personalities.
His latest book is Children of Monsters: An Inquiry into the Sons and Daughters of Dictators.
He is also the author of Peace, They Say, a history of the Nobel Peace Prize. Some 100 pieces are gathered in Here, There & Everywhere: Collected Writings of Jay Nordlinger.
A native Michigander, Nordlinger lives in New York.