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Freedom Week

“To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.” – Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The Left is obsessed with socialism.

Sadly, progressive ideas have lead to the oppression and deaths of hundreds of millions around the globe.

And yet, you can routinely find liberal faculty, students, the news media and other leaders advocating for collectivism to be implemented in the United States.


You can push back against the many advocates for “misery-for-all” by taking part in Freedom Week from November 11 to 15, 2024.

This year will mark the 35th  anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall which allows you to rally students to stand up to those who want to restrict freedom by giving more power to the federal government.

How to participate

Tear Down a Mock Berlin Wall

Advance freedom’s principles and educate your peers about the reality and danger of progressive social movements by:

  • Tearing down the Berlin Wall on Monday, November 11 to observe the anniversary when millions were freed from government oppression. Click here for instructions on how to build a mock Berlin Wall.
  • Recognizing World Freedom Day and Freedom Week on campus.
  • Educating your fellow students about how President Reagan freed hundreds of millions when he defeated communism.
  • Sharing freedom’s principles with your peers.
  • Standing up for our Armed Forces and America’s veterans.

Order Your Freedom Package

(You must have a college or high school id to order this package.)

  •  3 posters
  • “Big Government Equals Big Problem” stickers
  • Free Speech stickers
  • Anti-socialism stickers
  • Pocket Constitutions
  • Freedom buttons
  • “Is Income Inequality a Problem” brochures
  • “Three reasons why socialism always fails” brochures

Your group can warn students about the endless misery, rationing, and despair that results from socialist policies and question why many leftist students and professors still advocate these concepts by tearing down a mock Berlin Wall. Young America’s Foundation will be here to guide you through every step!

Hang Flyers Around Campus

You can download, print, and hang our pre-designed posters around your campus to help spread the word.

Receive Numerous Posters in Your Package

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