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Leftists Face Jail Time After Blocking Traffic Outside YAF’s Chloe Cole Event at University of Iowa


Nick Baker

November 17, 2023

Multiple leftist protestors are facing jail time for blocking traffic at an intersection outside of a Young Americans for Freedom chapter’s campus lecture featuring Chloe Cole last month, according to University of Iowa police.

The event, which drew an enormous crowd of students, faculty, alumni, community members who wanted to hear the brave detransitioner’s important message, also attracted an enraged mob of child “sex change” advocates who blocked traffic and refused to comply with law enforcement’s orders.

Iowa alumni and current students Tara Dutcher, Jean Horbuckle, Chan Dolan, and Emma Denney are charged with both interference with official acts and disorderly conduct, and face up to 13 months behind bars.

Local residents Vincent Shoppa and Harry Manaligod, who are charged with disorderly conduct, face up to 30 days in jail. Manaligod reportedly encouraged the mob to ignore police, yelling into a megaphone, “Don’t let the police tell you what to do.”

Campus police told the New Guard that additional suspects may face charges pending the outcomes of other ongoing investigations.

“We’re very glad to see that the university is upholding the rule of law here,” Iowa YAF Chair Jasmyn Jordan remarked.

Throughout the weeks leading up to the event, leftists vandalized the chapter’s promotional materials and stole a sign valued at more than $200 without facing any consequences.

eA recording of Chloe Cole’s speech, “A Detransitioner’s Take on the Transgender Movement,” can be viewed here:

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