High School Programs
Leadership Starts Here, Shaping Freedom's Future
Grades 9-12
Today, young people are taught that America is a place of racism, oppression, and limited opportunity and that our most important systems and institutions– the Constitution, free enterprise, free speech, and religious liberty among them – are simply instruments of this oppression. YAF debunks these myths and sets the record straight. YAF’s High School Conferences educate and train the next generation in the fight for freedom. Our programs are for every young person who loves America and cares about the preservation of her founding values, whether they are headed to college, the work force, or Capitol Hill.
What to Expect
Forge Lasting Friendships
Meet friends from across America who won’t get triggered over differing opinions
Champion Your Values
Learn from leaders at the forefront of the Conservative Movement about how to champion your principles at your school & beyond
Master Communication
Gain communication and debate skills that will better prepare you for college and your career
Discover Historic Sites
Explore historic sites that embody America’s founding values
Step Into Leadership
Become an effective, principled, and courageous leader
Let Your Adventures Begin
View upcoming programs, and sign up to be notified when registration opens for future events.
3 Locations to Explore
The Reagan Boyhood Home
Dixon, IL
Every hero has an origin story—discover Ronald Reagan’s roots of faith and optimism and learn about the values and ideals that served as his compass throughout his life. In addition, get to know the quiet Midwest town that shaped one of America’s greatest presidents.
Rancho Del Cielo
Santa Barbara, CA
Walk in President Reagan’s footsteps at the “Western White House” and encounter the Great Communicator who shaped a nation with his courage, character, and captivating vision for America. During your visit to the Ranch, learn about the qualities that made Reagan a force for freedom at home and abroad.
YAF Headquarters
Reston, VA
Experience the enduring legacy of our nation’s founding principles of freedom, limited government, and individual rights. Tour the National Monuments that serve as a reminder of America’s exceptionalism and the ideals that our Founding Fathers envisioned for future generations.