live stream: Standing up for faith & freedom seminar | April 26-27

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UGA Students for Socialism Rally for Abortion Rights on Campus

By Sophia Corso On the eve of Valentine’s Day, the Students for Socialism (SFS) group at the University of Georgia organized a “Day of Affirmation: Rally for Abortion” event. The group was joined by the “Black Felicity Students Association” and Young Democratic Socialists of America. The event was held to push for pro-abortion rights on […]

George Harbison

George P. Harbison is a writer, speaker, political activist, and retired chief financial officer. In 2016, at the request of a YAF student leader,  Mr. Harbison created and delivered a lecture titled “The Victims of Socialism” at the University of California, Riverside. Since then, he has delivered this lecture at over twenty college campuses and […]

The Honorable Scott Walker

The Occupy Movement didn’t start on Wall Street. It started in Madison, Wisconsin, when 100,000 protestors descended onto the grounds of the State Capitol soon after Scott Walker took office as Governor. Their goal was to intimidate him and his allies, but he did not back down. He was unintimidated. Scott’s reforms took power from […]

Sorry, socialism will never work ft. Liz Wheeler

In the history of the world, where has socialism ever ended in anything other than death, destruction, and oppression? People in the Soviet Union waited in line for hours for a single loaf of bread. They ate their own shoes to prevent starvation from setting in. People in Cuba have to bring their own light […]

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