Childish Leftist Professor Hangs Posters Claiming YAF Chapter Is a Hate Group
Childish Leftist Professor Hangs Posters Claiming YAF Chapter Is a Hate Group
November 14, 2019
A leftist professor at a college in Illinois has gone rogue, plastering the campus with flyers claiming the Young Americans for Freedom chapter is a hate group. According to the College of Lake County YAF chairman Rob Corn, the professor, Shannon Bassi, caused several disruptions of the chapter’s Black Conservative panel on Wednesday, including actively booing the conservative students on the panel. The next day, she hung up posters around campus accusing the YAF chapter of being a hate group. When confronted by the chapter chairman, the professor claimed she is “trying to promote love” and said she is “angry with the things coming out of the club.” She admitted that what she posted was “probably a mistake,” according to Corn. Young Americans for Freedom National Chairman Grant Strobl has repeatedly refuted any claim that YAF is a hate group. The Michigan State chapter that is referenced by the Southern Poverty Law Center as being labeled a hate group for its racist activities was never officially recognized by the national YAF organization. “[Kyle] Bristow’s group at Michigan State University was never a chartered Young Americans for Freedom chapter, and used our name without authorization,” Strobl said. “Bristow apparently never believed YAF’s policies, which included treating all individuals equally without reference to racial preferences. YAF prohibits racists and always has done so. YAF is the organization founded by Bill Buckley and guided by Ronald Reagan. We’ve never been an institution that welcomed or had room for a George Lincoln Rockwell, George Wallace, or Richard Spencer.” The College of Lake County YAF chapter has filed a formal complaint with the school, and currently seeking remedial action from the Dean’s office. The chapter also will be pursuing a reprimand on the professor for her defamatory claims. “I’ve been going to this school for two years, and this isn’t anything new,” chapter chairman Rob Corn said. “The intolerance of the Left on our campus is rampant.”
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