Carter Adams is 23 years old from Orlando Florida. He attends the University of Central Florida (UCF) where he is majoring in Political Science with an emphasis in International Relations. He is a founding chair of his Young Americans for Freedom Chapter at UCF.
Carter became involved in Young America’s Foundation in 2013 when he attending a Reagan Day on Capitol Hill. From that day forward, Carter has been plugged into YAF. When Carter attended his first conference at the Reagan Ranch Center, he became very motivated to start a chapter at his school. In the fall of 2015 Carter met another student named Carter Lankes at UCF who was also interested in starting a YAF chapter. Together, Carter Adams and Carter Lankes teamed up and have had various activism projects on campus so far. Some of the projects including a mock Berlin wall teardown, many days of tabling, and a socialists bake sale. During the fall of 2016, YAF at UCF will be hosting a speaker.
Carter has attended many Foundation conferences including activism training conferences, two Road to Freedom conferences, Reagan 101, the Sharon Statement conference, the Ohio Freedom conference, the Fall Conference at the ranch, the Nashville Freedom conference, and club 100. Carter says “it is nice to get away from the leftist bubble on campus and attend conferences where leading conservative speakers inspire me to be a freedom fighter.”
Other than YAF activities, Carter enjoys traveling, boating and watching western films.
Carter is excited to join the Reagan Ranch Center Team this summer. He hopes to learn as much as possible about President Reagan’s ranch life and take the knowledge he learned back to his campus to inspire others about conservative ideas.