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FSU Leftists Plan Anti-Free Speech Protest Ahead of Ben Shapiro Lecture, Deface Flyers


Julia Johnson

July 19, 2023

Multiple left-wing student organizations at Florida State University have planned to protest Ben Shapiro’s upcoming speech at the school, according to a tip received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tipline.

The FSU Students for Justice in Palestine organized and announced the protest and the FSU Students for a Democratic Society have stated they will be assisting FSUSJP in their efforts.

“We don’t tolerate fascists,” FSUSJP said on Instagram. 

Those who disapprove of his ideology claim that he practices “hate speech,” despite being the “…No. 1 target of anti-Semitic attacks among journalists in 2016, according to the Anti-Defamation League,” Fox News reported.

Shapiro’s upcoming event sold out in record time, as students and schools vie to host him next. The planned student protest pales in comparison to the more than 1,500 students planning on attending Shapiro’s remarks.

Earlier this week FSUSJP advertised the protest and expressed their frustration with their school for allowing the event. “We are outraged that FSU has offered him a platform,” the post read.  

Both FSU College Democrats and FSUSDS released statements highlighting their disapproval of free speech and the event.

“If President McCollough wishes to foster a safer and more inclusive community here on campus, like he has repeatedly claimed to want, he will cancel Shapiro’s event,” the College Democrats said.

FSUSDS urged students, faculty, and administration not to tolerate the event “In light of recent acts of racism and hate speech…”

Sunday, YAF was made aware of defacement of promotional materials at FSU. Many of the posters advertising the event had been drawn on with black marker in clear opposition to free speech and Shapiro’s event.

In an anti-Semitic attack on the speaker, one poster was obscured to make Shapiro look like Adolf Hitler, the perpetrator of the Holocaust that was responsible for the death of over 6 million Jewish people.

Try as they might, YAF activists are not scared of protesters who often try to halt their events. No amount of anti-Semitic bigotry or vitriol will stop YAF speakers and activists from bringing the values of freedom to their campuses. No matter how many people or organizations try to stop them, YAF activists must continue to bring conservative leaders to campus to foment constructive dialogue between students.

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