Louisiana State University is asking students to report any and all masking violations inside campus buildings or “within 50 feet of entrances to buildings,” through an online tip system.
Young America’s Foundation was alerted to the mask reporting system by an anonymous tipster through the Campus Bias Tipline.
On August 24, LSU tweeted “On campus, masks or face coverings are required indoors at all times, except when individuals are alone in their offices. Masks are also required outdoors within 50 feet of entrances to buildings. If you see a mask violation, report it here.”
On campus, masks or face coverings are required indoors at all times, except when individuals are alone in their offices. Masks are also required outdoors within 50 feet of entrances to buildings.
— LSU (@LSU) August 24, 2021
If you see a mask violation, report it here: https://t.co/kM3lyGEpl6 pic.twitter.com/eJCF3XwAgs
LSU does not detail what they plan to do with the reports they receive or if the “violations” are punishable.
The masking policy in place at the university requires that everyone, regardless of vaccination status must wear a mask.
One professor allegedly threatened police intervention for unmasked students in a letter to students, as reported by Mix 94.1.
“According to the LSU, if I deem that masks are continually being worn inappropriately in class, I must stop teaching and call LSU police,” He wrote.
LSU joins a long list of schools requiring masks for students regardless of vaccination status.
The problems with this are obvious—LSU is encouraging students to tell on one another, which certainly doesn’t foster a community environment. There is nothing to stop a student from claiming that someone they don’t like has violated the policy. Once again, we are seeing a school eager to exert power over its students all under the guise of “science.”