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Northwestern Student Government Passes Resolution to Remove Conservative from Presidential Search Committee


New Guard Staff

July 19, 2023

By: Negar Jadidi

The Northwestern University student government passed a resolution for the recusal of a conservative from the university’s Presidential Search Committee, solely for being conservative.

Authors of the resolution list preposterous reasons for J. Landis Martin’s recusal, including accusing Martin’s $30,000 donation to President Trump in 2016 of harming minority students, and that “the conservative political ideology of Trump, including those that support him, do not align with the views of the average Northwestern undergraduate.”

Additionally, the students are critical of Martin’s career as a member of the board of directors of Halliburton, a prominent oil services and construction firm.

Leftist NU students started criticizing the chairman of the university’s Board of Trustees, Landis Martin, as early as August 2017 in an article in The Daily Northwestern. They mention that he also financially contributed to several conservative candidates in the 2016 presidential primary such as Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush.

The resolution for Martin’s recusal was co-authored by Jo Scaletty, a former Rainbow Alliance Senator and a Justice and Inclusion committee member, who was quoted in The Daily Northwestern saying that “Martin’s financial support of Trump harms marginalized students.”

The resolution passed 17-1 with one nay vote coming from the College Republicans Senator, David Grow. He opposed the resolution and stated that “the legislation does not account for Republicans on campus.”

The resolution sponsors demand that Martin’s position not be filled, and if it must, that it be filled by the recommendation of the ASG Executive Board.

Northwestern University did not respond to YAF’s request for comment.

This isn’t the first time the student government’s tyrants-in-training pushed a far-Left agenda. This past January, YAF reported on Northwestern ASG’s vote to indefinitely table a resolution designed to protect free speech on campus. The vote came about as a result of protests in response to the Jeff Sessions campus lecture hosted by YAF last fall.

It is apparent that leftist students in the ASG cannot stand to hear opposing world-views and will do anything in their power to put in jeopardy the career and name of anyone with whom they disagree. The administration at Northwestern should not cave to the woke mob.

Negar Jadidi is the chapter chairwoman of University of North Carolina-Greensboro YAF and serves as a William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar at Young America’s Foundation this summer.

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