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Pro-Life Display Defaced at Pepperdine University, Vandalized with Pro-Abortion Messages


Julia Johnson

July 19, 2023

Radical leftist students were caught on camera trashing a pro-life display at a Christian university in California, according to a tip received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tipline.

The display was obscured with pro-abortion messages, including “Vasectomies prevent abortion” and “No uterus no opinion,” while many of the crosses were ripped.A conservative group at Pepperdine University placed 620 crosses—one for every 100,000 lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade was decided—on Pepperdine University’s Freedom Wall Tuesday night. Hours later, they caught leftists red-handed defacing their display.

Before it was destroyed, the display featured the 620 crosses surrounding a sign that read “Lives taken by abortion since Roe v. Wade.”Members of the College Republicans at Pepperdine captured the students destroying the display on camera. In one video, a vandal was asked “Why are you taking down crosses at a Christian school?” to which she replied, “Because I’m not a Christian.”

The vandal was also captured claiming “it’s public property,” as she ripped down crosses.

Another student, seen covering the pro-life centerpiece of the display with a pro-abortion sign, announced “Go ahead and rip it down if you want, but the one beneath it will go down too.”

The angry students covered the entire display with posters reading “My body my choice” and images of a uterus as well as “God does not support the legislation of women’s bodies,” and other pro-abortion messages.President of the Pepperdine College Republicans Spencer Lindquist told YAF he was disappointed in his fellow students’ behavior.

“It’s unfortunate and telling that some on our campus decided to desecrate a memorial to 62 million aborted babies by obscuring our message with used hygiene products, removing and covering up our display, and even turning crosses upside down.”

“We hope that President Gash and the rest of Pepperdine’s administration take this opportunity to publicly support the free speech of their Christian and conservative students, which is uniquely under attack on our campus,” he said.

“Silence will only weaken the already waning trust of thousands of students, alumni, prospective students, parents, and donors who expect Christian values to be respected at our university.”

YAF contacted Pepperdine University but did not receive a response in time for publication.

Last month, YAF reported on a Young Americans for Freedom activist at Iowa State University who was assaulted by a disgruntled leftist for his pro-life sign. After stealing the sign in question, the student then called campus police on himself.

Across the country, college campuses are proving to be hostile to pro-life views. Even a Christian college, in Pepperdine’s case, clearly has leftist students that are not welcoming to pro-life views. Because of this, pro-life students, parents, and community members must persevere and make their voices heard.

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