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Red flag laws violate our rights ft. Dana Loesch

Red flag laws violate our rights ft. Dana Loesch



September 3, 2019


If we learned anything about the Left in the last two years, it is that their disregard for due process, the presumption of innocence, and individual liberty knows no bounds.

Kavanaugh was presumed guilty from the moment he took the national stage. President Trump is still being accused of collusion months after the special counsel found none. The Left’s latest attack on personal freedom? Red flag laws.

Red flag laws are a bastardization of our right to due process.

There are already legal pathways to prevent someone from purchasing or carrying a firearm.

If an individual poses a danger to others, our legal system provides remedies through civil commitment, mental fitness adjudication, and restraining orders. These legal options limit an individual’s access to firearms while respecting the cornerstone of our republic—due process.

Red flag laws put immense power in the hands of bureaucrats, reduce oversight and transparency, and limit an affected individual’s options for recourse.

If it appears that there is corruption in our justice system now, just wait until red flag laws become the law of the land.

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