Saint Louis University Targets YAF Leaders for 9/11 Memorial Despite Prior Approval
Nick Baker
September 20, 2024
Two members of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Saint Louis University are facing disciplinary action for organizing YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project memorial display to honor the 2,977 victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks. The university specifically objected to a banner featured in the display, which highlighted shared values between the United States and Israel in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism, according to SLU YAF Chairman Alessandro Mattina’s account of a pre-hearing meeting with John Janulis, the director of SLU’s student discipline office.
A banner highlights the United States & Israel’s shared values and commitment to honoring the victims of radical Islamic terrorism.
SLU students participate in YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project, an annual tradition on more than 160 campuses throughout the United States.
Mattina and fellow leader Nikolay Remizov have been charged with “Violation of University Policy,” as stated in the notices they received on Thursday morning. According to SLU’s Student Handbook, potential penalties range from community service hours and fines up to expulsion.
Mattina received a disciplinary notice from Saint Louis University administrators Thursday morning. Remizov also received an identical letter.
For more than a decade, SLU students have participated in Young America’s Foundation’s 9/11: Never Forget Project, which has always featured signage to explain what the project was for. The university’s sudden decision to object to the presence of signage is highly questionable and appears to be directly related to the banner’s pro-Israel message.
Remizov emphasized the significance of the banner and display, stating that the 9/11 memorial was intended to honor the memory of those who lost their lives while also acknowledging the strong relationship between the United States and Israel. “In organizing this 9/11 memorial, I sought to honor the memory of those who perished–people of all faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs–and to recognize the enduring bond between America and Israel, a nation that, like the U.S, stands resolute against terrorism. We obtained all the necessary permits, acting with respect for this solemn occasion and the values it represents, and I received no additional instructions or warnings beyond the official permissions granted,” he said.
Remizov, an international SLU student from Russia, poses with a statue of President Ronald Reagan outside his historic Boyhood Home while attending a YAF conference in Dixon, Illinois.
Mattina is particularly frustrated that the school is taking action against their pre-approved display, despite previously allowing pro-Hamas students to violate campus policies with impunity—even when a group of students defaced an image of a YAF speaker with a swastika last semester. “It’s incredibly disappointing to see our school show such clear bias and selective enforcement—especially given SLU’s inaction last year when hundreds of pro-Hamas demonstrators swarmed the campus, calling for violence and the Intifada. Despite tolerating all of that chaos, the university is now attempting to take formal disciplinary action against us for displaying a 9/11 memorial banner.”
Young America’s Foundation is committed to equipping and empowering students to stand up for their values and beliefs. YAF will continue to support these students in their battle to defeat their outrageous disciplinary charges.