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Socialist Student Group Makes Plans for Return of Pro-Hamas Campus Encampments


Caitlyn Helm

August 9, 2024

The Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) hosted a four-week summer training program called “Power in Palestine” with various leaders from socialist groups across the nation. The aim was to build long-term divestment strategies for Palestine. The focus was clear: their movement is here to stay, and campus activism is only going to escalate. This includes the planned return of pro-Hamas college campus encampments in the fall.

The training began with a history of the Palestinian movement, framing Israel as the aggressor, oppressor, and leader of apartheid and ethnic cleansing in the region. YDSA’s stance was straightforward: Israel must be dismantled.

The sessions then delved into targeting strategies, including talks from encampment leaders and lawyers on how to pressure universities. They discussed using Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to uncover information about schools’ partnerships with Israel and scrutinizing tax documents to gauge Israel’s influence on university Board of Trustees members. These individuals and entities were labeled as “targets” for future divestment campaigns, extending potentially to high schools.

Week two focused on developing timelines and achieving campaign milestones. Each school was asked to create step-by-step plans for demanding compliance from their targets. Various escalation tactics were taught, including “mass disruption days” designed to halt campus activities and draw support for their movement. Their motto was to ensure that “no one has a normal day,” with disruptions extending to classes, offices, and on-campus events. Career days, especially those involving companies with ties to Israel, were high-priority targets.

Week three covered coalition-building and the radicalization of sympathizers into core members. This involved managing membership lists and fostering an environment that favored democratic decision-making—an ironic stance for a socialist group to take. 

Detailed notes were kept on members’ interests, backgrounds, and activism levels, with regular outreach to nudge them toward more radical positions. The goal was to classify everyone as a core member by the end of this process.

Week four was the most intriguing, focusing on security management during encampments. Various roles were defined, including scouts, media spokespersons, and notably, police liaisons. The role of police liaison was specifically designated for white members, a decision that blatantly exemplifies racism by restricting access based on race.

They also discussed protocols for arrests, such as contacting the National Lawyers Guild for legal support  and refusing to provide any information, including one’s name, to the police. This is all in the name of “solidarity” and “combating police repression” when people are actively breaking laws. 

This training program raises serious concerns. It not only promotes divisive and disruptive tactics but also embodies hypocrisy and discriminatory practices. YDSA’s approach, particularly its stance on Israel, is deeply troubling and counterproductive to fostering genuine dialogue and peace. 

This training also shared their future plans, which included a series of aggressive actions aimed at pushing their agenda. Among these were heavy boycotts of Chevrolet, chosen for its alleged connections to Israel, and a planned march on the Chicago DNC office in August. These actions are just a glimpse of the extensive and coordinated efforts they are preparing to implement nationwide. The YDSA is clearly ramping up its campaign, and it’s crucial for us to stay vigilant and proactive in countering their initiatives.

As conservatives, it’s time to wake up and see the writing on the wall. YDSA has mobilized a well-oiled machine against Israel and the Jewish community. The encampments are just the beginning of their targeted on-campus events, and they are only going to grow larger. With this in mind, we must take an active stance and stand up for our Jewish brothers and sisters, as well as Israel.

Visit YAF’s Stand With Israel Activism Hub to learn more and sign up to host an impactful activism project!

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