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UC-Santa Barbara Pro-Hamas Left Petitions To Remove Jewish Student Gov President For Calling Out Blatant Antisemitism


Nick Baker

March 28, 2024

In a clear attempt to enact revenge for her unyielding support of Israel and the Jewish people, Hamas-backing leftists are working to recall Tessa Veksler, president of the University of California Santa Barbara’s student government. 

Last month, the brave student leader called out threatening signs posted on the UCSB Multicultural Center reading “Zionists Not Welcome” and “You Can Run But You Cannot Hide.” For doing so, she now faces a recall campaign.

With a current social media following of only 491 students, the recall effort is failing to recruit any significant portion of the university’s 25,000-student enrollment. Even so, the attacks are despicable and completely lack any basis.

For refusing to support Hamas, Tessa has been accused of “undermining the foundational mechanisms that ensure fair and transparent governance.” This accusation is, of course, insane–Hamas is most certainly not an example of a “fair and transparent” government. Instead, Hamas requires compliance with radical Islam through the use of brutal force, torture, and terrorism.

In response to the recall efforts, she wrote in a social media post, “It’s the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. And I wouldn’t change being Jewish for anything.” That post garnered more than 10,000 likes.

According to the campus newspaper at UCSB, the struggling petition has three more weeks to collect signatures. The New Guard will continue to monitor this situation.

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