Saint Mary’s College, an all-womens’ Catholic institution in Indiana, reversed its controversial decision to admit men who identify as women, according to an email from university officials first obtained through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line.
“When the Board approved this update, we viewed it as a reflection of our College’s commitment to live our Catholic values as a loving and just community. We believed it affirmed our identity as an inclusive, Catholic, women’s college. It is increasingly clear, however, that the position we took is not shared by all members of our community,” the communication states.
“Today is a big victory for both truth and faith,” Macy Gunnell, the conservative student who brought this situation to YAF’s attention, told the New Guard. “With enough pressure and attention from the entire nation, we were able to get this disastrous policy reversed. I could not be more proud of the work us current students have done to stand up for what’s right. We could not have done this without the support of thousands of alumnae, friends and family. This is truly a day that will go down in history, for Saint Mary’s, and for all women. We will continue this fight for truth, as this is just the beginning!”
This is a breaking story. The New Guard has reached out to additional parties for comment; this article will be updated accordingly.