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Discover the 5 Myths the Pro-Hamas Left Is Spreading About Israel

Sadly, ever since the horrific attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, the Left has been showing a disturbing, public display of support for Hamas and radical Jihad in schools across the nation. 

Anti-semitism is on the rise in colleges and universities. Radical school administrators and leftist professors distort the truth and mislead students to push their anti-Israel agenda. 

According to a recent poll, 73% of Jewish students have experienced or witnessed antisemitism!  It’s so bad that Jewish students are rightly suing Harvard for the rampant antisemitism on campus. 

Now, as pro-Hamas riots continue to intensify on campuses across the country and misinformation spreads like wildfire online and in the media, it is critical young people know the truth! 

That’s why Young America’s Foundation published this exclusive free eBook, The Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left.

Written by best-selling author and YAF speaker Robert Spencer, this free ebook offers a rich historical breakdown of hatred against Israelis while exposing 5 myths that the pro-Hamas Left continues to push about Israel, including:

  • Israel Is Occupying Palestinian Land
  • Israel Is Really An “Apartheid State”
  • Palestinian Leaders Are Willing to Negotiate in Good Faith

If you are concerned about the pro-Hamas rhetoric spreading through our country and especially our schools, this ebook will give you the facts you need to know the truth and push back against the lies you hear. 

Get instant access to your FREE copy of The Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left using this short, secure form below. 

Sadly, ever since the horrific attacks against Israel on October 7, 2023, the Left has been showing a disturbing, public display of support for Hamas and radical Jihad in schools across the nation. 

Anti-semitism is on the rise in colleges and universities. Radical school administrators and leftist professors distort the truth and mislead students to push their anti-Israel agenda. 

According to a recent poll, 73% of Jewish students have experienced or witnessed antisemitism!  It’s so bad that Jewish students are rightly suing Harvard for the rampant antisemitism on campus. 

Now, as pro-Hamas riots continue to intensify on campuses across the country and misinformation spreads like wildfire online and in the media, it is critical young people know the truth! 

That’s why Young America’s Foundation published this exclusive free eBook, The Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left.

Written by best-selling author and YAF speaker Robert Spencer, this free ebook offers a rich historical breakdown of hatred against Israelis while exposing 5 myths that the pro-Hamas Left continues to push about Israel, including:

  • Israel Is Occupying Palestinian Land
  • Israel Is Really An “Apartheid State”
  • Palestinian Leaders Are Willing to Negotiate in Good Faith

If you are concerned about the pro-Hamas rhetoric spreading through our country and especially our schools, this ebook will give you the facts you need to know the truth and push back against the lies you hear. 

Get instant access to your FREE copy of The Five Myths About Israel Perpetrated by the Pro-Hamas Left using this short, secure form below.

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