Nicole Hoplin
As co-founder and president of Hoplin Jackson Charitable Advisors, Nicole Hoplin shows the company’s clients how the same business best practices that create wealth can also be used when giving it away. An expert in philanthropy, Nicole helps clients create more impact with their charitable giving, and, in so doing, makes giving away wealth as […]
Richard Schwartz
Richard W. Schwartz is chairman of the board of Winsupply Inc. He is an advisor and advocate for the strategic direction of the organization, assists with ongoing training efforts, is an ambassador and visits Winsupply companies, helps reinforce the basic principles and philosophy of the company, and represents the interests of shareholders. Winsupply owns a […]
Ronald Pearson
Ronald Pearson is president of Pearson & Pipkin, Inc., a public policy strategy and management firm, and he also serves as vice president of Young America’s Foundation’s Board of Directors. Mr. Pearson also served as national treasurer of Young Americans for Freedom and was vice president of a major publishing company. He was born in […]
Jane Schwartz
Kyle Ferrebee
Kyle Ferrebee serves as the Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home Program Director. Through his position, Kyle oversees the Foundation’s goals for preserving President Reagan’s boyhood home and developing it into a premier presidential property and campus for inspiring young people through Reagan’s ideas and values. President Reagan’s home will serve as a beachhead for YAF, helping […]
Andrew Coffin
Andrew is a vice president of Young America’s Foundation and the director of the Reagan Ranch Center. Beginning his service with the Foundation more than 24 years ago, Andrew is the longest serving team member at the Reagan Ranch. Andrew has been active in every facet of the Reagan Ranch project: student outreach programs (including […]