Charlie Jones
Charlie Jones serves as a program officer for YAF chapter services, working with Young Americans for Freedom chapters across the country to promote conservative ideas on our nation’s high school and college campuses. Charlie is a graduate of Michigan State University (MSU), where he double majored in international relations and political theory & constitutional democracy. […]
Kyle Ferrebee
Kyle Ferrebee serves as the Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home Program Director. Through his position, Kyle oversees the Foundation’s goals for preserving President Reagan’s boyhood home and developing it into a premier presidential property and campus for inspiring young people through Reagan’s ideas and values. President Reagan’s home will serve as a beachhead for YAF, helping […]
Hunter Morrow
Hunter Morrow serves as a program officer for campus advancement for Young America’s Foundation. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa (UI), where he founded the Young Americans for Freedom chapter. Hunter helped Iowa YAF host influential speakers during his four-year chairmanship at UI, including Bay Buchanan, Elisha Krauss, Burt Folsom, and Vice […]
Patrick X. Coyle
Patrick Coyle is the vice president for Young America’s Foundation and executive director of Young Americans for Freedom. Human Events named Patrick as one of the top ten young conservative activists in the nation, citing his success in reaching hundreds of thousands of students by sending high profile conservative speakers to college campuses. He is […]
Jasmyn Jordan
Julianna Purcell
Catriona Fee
Nickolaus Cabrera
Nathan Brand
Joseph Ballard
Jolie Ballantyne
Lynn Sementilli
Lynn Sementilli was born and raised in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY, and is currently a part-time graduate student studying Electrical Engineering at the University at Buffalo. She also currently holds a full-time position as an electrical engineer in the aircraft industry. During her undergraduate years at UB, Lynn founded the UB YAF chapter after […]
Grant Strobl
Grant Strobl served as Young Americans for Freedom’s national chairman from 2017 to 2023. During his tenure as chairman, YAF re-launched its individual membership program, launched a campus bias tip-line, expanded programs in high schools, and launched various programs on the Second Amendment and free speech. Grant has been involved with YAF since high school […]
Chris Bedford
Chris, former alumnus of YAF, is vice chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors and editor in chief of The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Raj Kannappan
As vice president & director of YAF’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise, Raj Kannappan leads the organization’s efforts to educate and inspire students to advance free market ideas among their peers. His focus is growing the share of young people who adopt the free enterprise philosophy—through free market student conferences and seminars, campus lectures, […]