Charlie Jones serves as a program officer for YAF chapter services, working with Young Americans for Freedom chapters across the country to promote conservative ideas on our nation’s high school and college campuses.
Charlie is a graduate of Michigan State University (MSU), where he double majored in international relations and political theory & constitutional democracy.
Charlie first became involved with the Foundation in 2018, when he joined Michigan State’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter after watching YAF’s signature Ben Shapiro videos on YouTube. Charlie served on the MSU YAF board for all four years in college, including two years as chairman. Under his leadership, MSU YAF continued to grow in membership despite the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions put in place by the university.
During his time with MSU YAF, Charlie participated in YAF’s 9/11: Never Forget Project, attended numerous conferences, and helped organize campus lectures at Michigan State featuring Dinesh D’Souza, Michael Knowles, and Elisha Krauss. Additionally, in summer 2020, Charlie successfully led the effort to preserve the name of Michigan State’s James Madison College.
Charlie was a William and Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar with the Foundation in the summer of 2021. He also was a contributor to the Foundation’s New Guard blog and assisted in the creation of digital content during the 2021-22 academic year.