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EXPOSED: UVA Student Gov’t Creates ‘Strike System’ for Professors Who Offend, Attacks YAFer for Opposing Mob Rule

EXPOSED: UVA Student Gov’t Creates ‘Strike System’ for Professors Who Offend, Attacks YAFer for Opposing Mob Rule



November 19, 2020

The student government at the University of Virginia has passed a controversial resolution implementing a “strike system” for professors accused of making comments subjectively deemed “offensive” or “racist.” “A Resolution Denouncing Repeated Instances of Racist Statements by Professors at the University” was proposed after a professor, Jeffrey Leopold, referenced a joke about the United Nations that apparently upset the fragile sensibilities of UVA’s wokesters. One brave YAF activist, Nick Cabrera, spoke out in the meeting against the resolution, raising concern with the strike system and which incidents students could report as being offensive.
Several senators and cosponsors of the strike system attacked Cabrera, arguing he should not speak on behalf of black students if he isn’t black. “If we’re going to limit conversations around race to only black Americans, it’s almost like we’re starting to transition to a climate with limited free speech,” Cabrera told his fellow representatives. A group of students at UVA have created a petition to reinstate professor Leopold, who has been suspended from teaching by the university, according to the UVA student petition. “The resolution passed by the Student Council at UVA was falsely correlated,” Cabrera told YAF exclusively.  “It ‘called out’ one professor for inflicting stereotypes and drew a correlation for a strike system policy for professors’ racist actions at the university because of it.” He added, “I am appalled by the way I was treated during the recorded meeting for I would never treat any individual with the disrespect with which I was presented.” This is just the latest situation to come to light in a year of deteriorating race relations thanks to the Left. In January, YAF exposed a viral video of a minority student telling white students they were not welcome in the school’s Multicultural Student Center.
Are you facing liberal bias or discrimination on your campus? Submit a tip to YAF.

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