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YAFers Raise Red Flags About China’s Prominent Role In Fentanyl Crisis


Nick Baker

March 5, 2024

The University of Florida’s YAF chapter is calling on its student government to issue a formal condemnation of the Communist Party.

In light of the groundbreaking revelations about the Chinese Communist Party’s involvement in the fentanyl crisis recently brought to light by Peter Schweizier’s latest investigative report, Young Americans for Freedom chapters are working to ensure that their fellow students are aware of what’s going on–and the fact that several of the most prominent American politicians are inexcusably complicit.

As revealed in the YAF alumnus’ Blood Money – Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, prominent American politicians are working hand-in-hand with the CCP to propagate the flood of fentanyl into the country. In doing so, they are abhorrently lining their own pockets at the expense of more than a quarter of a million American lives over the course of the past five years.

At the University of Alabama and the University of Florida, YAFers will set up tabling displays to distribute literature about China’s menacing influence over American politics. They will be prepared to engage in these important conversations, shedding light on the dark truth.

Caitlyn McCoy, chairwoman of YAF at the University of Florida, is taking things even further, spearheading an effort to petition the university’s student government to officially condemn the CCP.

“When thinking about the important issues impacting my generation, I see the overwhelming number of deaths related to fentanyl overdoses,” she told the New Guard. “We have to take a stand and stop the fentanyl at the source: the CCP. The evidence is sufficient and clear that the CCP is putting fentanyl on our street. As a nation, we need to face this reality and enact change.”


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