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GWU Announces Leftist Commencement, Complete with Elizabeth Warren Keynote and Dr. Fauci Honor


Julia Johnson

July 19, 2023

The George Washington University announced Thursday that Dr. Anthony Fauci would be presented with the President’s Medal, “the highest honor the university’s president can bestow,” at the commencement celebration for the 2020 and 2021 classes.

The President’s Medal is being awarded for “extraordinary contributions to the university’s and country’s pandemic response,” according to the university.

The ceremony will take place Oct. 2 and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a former GW student, will deliver the keynote address.

Sen. Warren ran for president of the United States in 2020 on a hyper left-wing platform that called for cancelling all student debt, targeting businesses, and promoting abortion.

Previously, Fauci received an honorary Doctor of Public Service from GW in 2015.

In March 2020, Fauci told 60 Minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

Fast forward to Feb 2021, where he said people would need to wear masks “for several, several months.”

He went on to swap positions twice more. In May 2021, he told George Stephanopoulos of ABC that “we do need to start being more liberal” referring to mask requirements for the vaccinated.

Now, he’s reversed course, telling Judy Woodruff of PBS Newshour “if you are vaccinated, if you are in indoor setting, you should still wear a mask.”

Fauci’s guidance has seemed to be influenced by politics more than the virus itself. The “contributions” he is being honored for are unclear. As for Warren, she is a radical Left-wing figure who will likely preach the religion of progressivism in her speech. This type of biased commencement is a last-ditch effort by GW to indoctrinate students on their way out the door.

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