In direct violation of the Catholic mission it purports to uphold, Loyola University in Chicago is looking to hire a “queer-centered” “faculty scholar in anti-oppressive pedagogy” for the 2024-2025 school year.
According to the leftist buzzword-ridden job posting received through Young America’s Foundation’s Campus Bias Tip Line, “an ideal candidate is someone with a deep interest in and commitment to anti-oppressive, anti-racist, queer-centered, and accessibility-focused pedagogical approaches.”
The role, which is an additional assignment available to Loyola’s current faculty, comes with the responsibilities of coordinating an “abolitionist pedagogy reading series,” “justice circles,” an “anti-racist pedagogy certificate program,” and “environmental justice pedagogy-centered programming.” It also carries a $3,000 stipend.
“Once hired, this faculty member will better enable the university to meet the needs of the student body’s interest in climate justice through an exceptionally queer and anti-racist, supportive lens,” the Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy told the New Guard.
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