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The New Guard

University of Utah Mandates Police Presence for YAF Meetings and Events, But Can’t Supply Any Officers


Nick Baker

November 13, 2023

The University of Utah is implementing a new twist on the heckler’s veto that allows the public institution to preemptively cancel all of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter’s meetings and events by requiring law enforcement presence at all events and meetings, but never actually being able to supply the required officers.

The latest of the chapter’s events to fall victim to this trick: Jeopardy night.

Earlier this month, the chapter hosted a screening of Damaged: The Transing of America’s Kids. Things quickly went south when leftist activists began to loudly disrupt the film, and officers declined to get them under control. Ultimately, police escorted the YAF chapter out of the room – much to the Left’s delight – and told them to cancel the event.

Not to be deterred by intolerant leftist students and incompetent law enforcement, the chapter set a new date for the screening, and announced a lineup of additional upcoming events, including a vigil for the Israeli victims of Hamas, an in-person lecture featuring Chloe Cole, a detransitioner who stars in the documentary, and a Jeopardy night meeting.

In response to the chapter’s announcement of the pro-Israel event, University of Utah Police Department Lietenant Ryan Speers openly mocked the event on social media.

The chapter was told that a police presence will now be required at each of these events and meetings, but that the university cannot provide any officers, as they’re all too busy. The school initially used this excuse for the rescheduled screening of Damaged, and is again using it for the chapter’s Jeopardy night.

These backhanded cancellation tactics cannot be allowed to continue.

Young America’s Foundation is continuing to work with the Mountain States Legal Foundation to stand up for our students’ constitutional rights.

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