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YAF Action Forces Gettysburg to Call Off Racist Painting Event


July 19, 2023

University officials at Gettysburg College postponed an event that would have encouraged students to “paint and write about” their frustrations about “white cis men” after Young America’s Foundation exposed the situation and the campus’ Young Americans for Freedom chapter filed discrimination complaints, according to a Daily Caller report.

“The faculty leaders of peace and justice studies have asked the student to reflect on their objectives and restructure their project accordingly. The event is no longer taking place as scheduled or initially constructed, and the flyers have been removed,” a spokesperson for the college told the Daily Caller.

Members of the Gettysburg Young Americans for Freedom chapter brought this incident to the attention of administrators, who cited their reports in making the decision to block the explicitly racist event from being allowed to happen.

The spokesperson claimed that the event was never sponsored or endorsed by any department or administrator. This claim appears to be untrue, as the event was to be hosted in the Gender and Sexuality Resouce Center. When YAF attempted to reach the GSRC for comment last week, the receptionist was well aware of the plans and didn’t mention anything to indicate that the event was unauthorized. The fact that the anti-white male paintings were to be displayed on the walls of the main campus dining hall further demonstrates administrator involvement in the event’s planning and approval process.

“It was scheduled by Samantha Isherwood, and Lindora Meyers was listed as the contact, both of whom are college employees,” Gettysburg YAF leader John Ricardi told the New Guard.

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