live stream: Standing up for faith & freedom seminar | April 26-27

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YAF Welcomes Rachel Harper to HQ This Summer as a William & Berniece Grewcock Intern Scholar


New Guard Staff

June 26, 2020

Rachel Harper is from Calgary, Canada, and attends the University of Calgary, where she is entering her fourth year of the bachelor of commerce program. She has been a supporter of the Conservative Movement in Canada her entire life.

Rachel first became involved with Young America’s Foundation when she attended the High School Conference at the Reagan Ranch in 2017. She describes this experience as one of the most important moments of her high school career, as she had never been in a room of young like-minded people willing to discuss conservative ideas.

She was determined to work with YAF because no equivalent organization in Canada exists that encourages young people to explore and learn about the Conservative Movement.

Rachel is excited to be interning with the Foundation that inspired her in 2017 and looks forward to learning as much as she can this summer.

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