live stream: Standing up for faith & freedom seminar | April 26-27

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the financial statements

Young America’s Foundation deeply appreciates the generosity of all of its supporters and is committed to using these gifts responsibly to advance its mission – to inspire an increasing number of young Americans by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.

Standards of Excellence

Maximizing Accountability & Honoring Donor Intent

We recognize that our supporters have questions about the impact of their giving and our programs, financial management, and operations. YAF holds itself to the highest standards of excellence because we take our responsibility of shaping America’s future leaders seriously. These standards protect the privacy and intent of our supporters while advancing freedom! 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 800-USA-1776.


Our staff and boards consist of passionate professionals who are committed to empowering young conservatives. With a diverse range of expertise, they work tirelessly to provide resources and events to help cultivate the next generation of leaders.

Our Staff

Governor Scott Walker


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Victor Bernson

Vice President and General Counsel

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Andrew Coffin

Vice President and Director of the Reagan Ranch

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Patrick X. Coyle

Vice President

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Jessica Jensen

Chief Operating Officer

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Raj Kannappan

Vice President & Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise

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Our Boards

Young America’s Foundation Board of Directors​

Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise Board of Advisors

Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors​

reagan ranch

Reagan Ranch Board of Governors​

National Journalism Center Board of Governors

Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home Advisory Committee

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Young Americans for Freedom

Center for Entrepreneurship

National Journalism Center

Reagan Ranch

Reagan Boyhood Home

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Defending Student Rights

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The New Guard


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Center for Entrepreneurship

National Journalism Center

Reagan Ranch

Reagan Boyhood Home

Campus Lectures & Activism

Defending Student Rights

Middle School Programs

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The New Guard


About Us

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