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Announcing the 2023 YAF Chapter of the Year Nominees

The 2022/23 school year was a strong year for Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapters across the nation. Because of the efforts of YAF chapters in hosting campus lectures and organizing breakthrough activism initiatives, students nationwide have been introduced to conservative ideas. For many years, the Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors has recognized […]

University at Buffalo Trying to Use Loopholes to Shut Down YAF Chapter Following Successful Michael Knowles Lecture

The Student Association (SA) at the University at Buffalo is attempting to evade its responsibility to uphold conservative students’ constitutional rights to free speech and expression by shutting down their Young Americans for Freedom chapter using flimsy loopholes and excuses.  The move, which appears to be a deliberate attempt to silence effective advocates of viewpoints […]

Young Americans for Freedom Announces Chapters of Distinction for Fall 2022

The Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors is excited to announce the following chapters as Chapters of Distinction for their shared dedication to advancing conservatism on each of their campuses throughout the fall semester: The Catholic University of America Located in Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America YAF chapter (CUA YAF) continues to […]

University of Virginia YAF Awarded Chapter of the Year, $10,000 Grant

Young America’s Foundation is proud to announce the Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors has selected University of Virginia YAF (UVA YAF) as the 2022 Chapter of the Year. To recognize them for their leadership on campus and their work to boldly promote conservatism, YAF is pleased to award UVA YAF a $10,000 grant […]

‘We, As Young Conservatives, Believe’: The Sharon Statement at 60

The Sharon Statement was adopted six decades ago today on September 11, 1960, by a group of 100 young conservatives who convened at the home of William F. Buckley in Sharon, Connecticut with the purpose of creating Young Americans for Freedom. In 2015 The New York Times recognized the Sharon Statement as a “seminal document” of the Conservative […]

Young Americans for Freedom Celebrates 60 Years

On September 11, 1960, a group of conservatives gathered at the home of William F. Buckley, Jr. in Sharon, Connecticut, to form what would become the Conservative Movement’s most influential group of activists: Young Americans for Freedom. The Sharon Statement, YAF’s founding document, was drafted at this important meeting highlighting the importance of the timeless […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Twelve

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

Young Americans For Freedom Launches Expanded Membership Program

On September 11, 1960, William F. Buckley Jr. and a group of young conservatives drafted the Sharon Statement and launched Young Americans for Freedom, the organization that would build the modern Conservative Movement. Now, just days before celebrating its 60th anniversary, Young Americans for Freedom is making membership in its ranks available to more young people […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Eleven

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

Announcing the 2020 Young Americans for Freedom Chapters of the Year

Young America’s Foundation is proud to announce that the Young Americans for Freedom Board of Governors has selected two chapters for the 2020 Chapter of the Year. These chapters are Texas A&M Young Americans for Freedom (TAMU YAF) and Lake Forest High School Young Americans for Freedom (LFHS YAF). This year, despite the COVID pandemic […]

Kyle Ferrebee Named Executive Director of Young Americans for Freedom

Young America’s Foundation is excited to name Kyle Ferrebee the new executive director of Young Americans for Freedom, a project of Young America’s Foundation. As the head of Young Americans for Freedom, Kyle will build on YAF’s rich, historic legacy of impactful conservative activism at schools nationwide. At 25 years old, Kyle is one of […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Ten

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Nine

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Eight

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

“We As Young Conservatives Believe” — Part Seven

Sixty years ago this September, 100 young conservatives launched Young Americans for Freedom at William F. Buckley’s home in Sharon, Connecticut. There they wrote the Sharon Statement, the new organization’s founding document, which has been described by the New York Times as the “seminal document” of the Conservative Movement. The principles that it puts forth […]

Freedom Week 101: Building (and Tearing Down) Your Berlin Wall

Freedom Week is rapidly approaching and one of the primary activities is for groups to tear down a mock Berlin Wall to showcase how the anti-free speech policies pushed by campus leftists are creating a new wall between young people and freedom. Many students ask how they should build their wall. Justin Thompson, a conservative […]

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